Wednesday 31 January 2018

Generating New Users Through Content

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

You should continually publish materials and information pertaining to your products that produce the highest profit margins for you. At all times, these products should be fully recommended by your firm in regards to their quality and the usability by your end user.

There are number of very helpful programs that can be used directly on your website that will create a blog like atmosphere regarding regularly published articles by as it relates again to search engine optimization for your e-commerce website.

One of the interesting things about search engine optimization (or Ecommerce SEO) is that you are able to effectively produce new content that effectively generates a much larger customer base type by developing a number of articles that relate to the products that you selling. For instance if you’re engaged in the electronics retailing business and your website specifically focuses on selling consumer electronics then you can write articles about the specific product that you’re looking to sell that will generate the organic search engine results that you are seeking to obtain. Again, these customers can be reached quickly by producing these types of reviews, blog content, or related pieces of information.

We certainly recommend that you endorse the best products and not always necessarily  the products that produce the highest profit margins in regards your ecommerce operations.

In regards to article writing, the more frequently publish new articles on your website – the more frequently major search engines will find your new content. Search engines will pick up on that date and the major search engines will index your new content quickly as it relates to e-commerce search engine optimization campaigns are developing on an ongoing basis. E-Commerce SEO allows you the ability to have you website more frequently published on the basis that the more that you publish – chances are that your site becomes prominent, If you are able to write a small 4 or 800 word article per day, you’ll find over time that the major search engines (Google, MSN, Bing, and Yahoo) will quickly pickup onto the fact that you frequently update your website. This is an enormous part of e-commerce SEO,  In short, the more frequently that you put that you publish articles or put new content onto your site more search engines will spider your site.

Spidering meaning that they, on an automated basis, will continue to review the new content that you have placed on your e-commerce website. This is one the primary keys to succeeding with an e-commerce SEO campaign. It is imperative that you continually provide your users (and the major search engines) with content that is relevant to the genre of product that you are selling to the general public.

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

SEO That You Should Avoid

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Many new marketers and Webmasters are not really aware of how exactly SEO works. If you want to get free targeted traffic to your site then you must understand SEO. Nowadays, the majority of the people online use search engines for finding information and products they want to buy. By ignoring search engine traffic you are missing out on thousands of prospects that you could sell to or build a list with. With the knowledge that you will get more traffic the higher you rank on the first page should be enough of a reason to learn SEO. If you are new to SEO or have been taught wrong then this article will be a life savior because it teaches you what to avoid. Stick with us and you will be performing powerful SEO techniques that will still have you ranking, even after Google routinely updates it’s search engine.

Before you start, you should grab a copy of Market Samurai or another proven keyword research tool. The first mistake many webmasters tend to make when trying SEO is they stuff their content with too many vague keywords. Yes, keywords happen to be an important element of SEO, but if you go on and stuff a high number of keywords in your content, then it will only get you into trouble with the search engines as they will penalize your website for spamming. This will cause your website to decline in the rankings and that also means you will achieve fewer visitors to your site. It’s also not appealing to your visitors because they only like sites that make sense and are helpful.

The second big mistake is internally linking your pages wrong. Your internal linking structure is one more of the few SEO factors that you completely control. A good linking strategy makes your site easier to brows and the search engines love it and will give your site a higher ranking. Instead of focusing on sending your visitors away you should concentrate on linking all of your related pages together in a logical fashion. This is an under applied SEO method that is proven to produce results. If you want your new pages to get indexed fast then this is the way to go. A perfect example of a good internal linking structure is Wikipedia; notice how they have all of these links that send you to a page with a similar topic?  For an online dating tips site, that means you need to have relevant articles, like Match vs eHarmony.

Just remember that ethics is something you always want to use with SEO. You will find that companies offering SEO services are all over the place these days. You’ll only want to use the companies that use whitehat SEO methods, and stay away from the companies that don’t. You won’t even know what hit your site until you’re de-indexed. That is why it’s important only to hire that company or those people that work within ethics and also those people that will update you constantly on how your site is doing. Nothing should ever be hidden from you when it comes to them.

Search engine optimization is a brilliant way to drive free traffic to your website and can give you great long term results. And if you put in the extra effort to master SEO; you will be able to dominate niches and make a killing online. Just a little patience, that’s all. Remember, it’s all about keyword research, and sticking with what the search engines want to see.  If you are ready to get started with SEO, you can also read this guide on Link wheels.

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Monday 29 January 2018

Starting an Online Business

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Are you an entrepreneur trying to start up an online venture on a budget?
Or maybe you already have an online business and need advice and resources to help push it to the next level?

Well, at Bobs SEO can help you!.. Because we’re not just graphic designers,
we are entrepreneurs who have set up and ran a number of (both successful and unsuccessful)
online businesses over the last 20 years. Now we are going to take all that we have learned of ‘what to do’ and
sometimes more importantly ‘what not to do’ to make your business succeed online without breaking your budget.

Starting out online

Having an online business means having a product or service to sell and having a website to sell it from, right?
WRONG! If only online business was that simple.
You could have the greatest product and the most high tech website, but if no one knows about your site
that’s all you have- a product and a website. It’s not really a business if no one buys from it, is it?

Getting your services known.

So advertising must be the answer?
Yes and no. Of course you will need to advertise, but it doesn’t mean you will have to spend tons of money doing it.
Advertising simply means ‘ to call attention to’, and you can call attention to your site without breaking your budget.
It’s even possible to do it for free, be it by blogs, forums or other means.
We learnt this the hard way, and now we are going to share our knowledge with you.
We find our joy and success in giving other entrepreneurs affordable web design solutions and helping you succeed online.

So now what?

If you have a product or service you want to sell, and a passion for making your business work,
then we can help set you on the right path to becoming successful online.
At Bobs SEO you will find tips and advice for starting an online business, as well as a wealth of tutorials
and resources to help kick start your online success.

Just remember this important rule:
“Unless you win the lottery there is no such thing as ‘get rich quick’ (and even that’s debatable!).
A real business takes dedication and effort to set it into motion.
And don’t forget to add a little ‘hip’:
Integrity and

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Thursday 25 January 2018

Build a Base For Affiliate Marketing

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Each year it seems more and more people decide to ‘make money’ online and perhaps due to the worsening economy. So it is totally understandable that affiliate marketing would be so attractive. Selling affiliate products is much easier for apparent reasons. There is no product creation required which is ideal for beginners. However, very soon after reality settles in, the new IM marketer will understand how much is required with being a successful online marketer. That is when they will begin to see the amount they have to learn, and that is all anyone can do in the beginning. That type of education can help form a very solid foundation for success.

There are so many things that will influence your success with affiliate marketing and advertising, but we feel the ability to perform effective market research has to rank up there. This is related to choosing a great product to promote. That is one thing that easily spells success or failure; the product you are promoting. Whether or not you sell physical products or items which can be digital and downloaded is your decision. It does not really matter because you can make money either way.

Another important difference is to know that choosing a product is, at the same time, choosing your market. Obviously, the group of people who buy any product are a portion of a particular market, or niche within a larger market. That is why the market and product you promote must both be taken into serious consideration. Your market must be the kind that spends money as well as has it in the first place. There are most surely markets on the net that lack in spendable cash. Then you can discover some people that do spend but not in significant amounts. They may very well decide to spend in other markets, but for some reason they will not spend in your market.

You may also need to make a determination about how you plan to promote your online offers. People tend to be creatures of habit, and that is why many will stay with what they are comfortable with. It is hard to tell you what is ideal, and indeed what is best for one person will not be best for you. So do keep that under consideration because it is a question you will need to resolve at some point.

Just keep in mind that affiliate marketing is a business that you must approach as a truly serious one. Many people do not appear to do that. Some affiliates have made millions of dollars, and the only way you can do that is if you are dedicated and not fooling around. Thus, working hard with commitment is necessary no matter what kind of business you do.

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Wednesday 24 January 2018

Forum Marketing Suggestions

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Enhancing traffic and promoting products is often done with a method called Forum Marketing which is quickly become a hot topic. However many still struggle with the concept. Forum Marketing is really nothing more than a new way to approach an audience by adding value to the information they are seeking. In this article we shall be discussing 3 unique tips to help you leverage forums better for marketing.

The first tip, and most obvious, is to post in threads that are most popular. Many of these threads have a high number of views and will get you the type of exposure you need. In order to get the full benefit of this technique you will need to monitor the forums regularly. This way you can begin participating in the thread as soon as you notice it becoming active. These threads usually get lots of posts in a short time, so you will want to make sure that your post is in the beginning and not somewhere in the last. You can identify popular posts according the activity and the views it gets. If you want to get a good response from your forum marketing efforts, then you need to know how to be courteous to the other members. Always respect the time and intellect of any person whom you have a relationship with. A rude comment may feed your ego at first but it can make you seem harsh and unattractive to other readers. Even if you try and apologize to the person involved and accept your mistake later on, your reputation would still be at stake because the posts you make remain in the search engine index for a long time. And people who will come across your post will find it inappropriate and won’t look any further. Forum marketing has its own set of rules and etiquette, so learn them. Give and you shall receive is true in life and with forum marketing. Now that you are a member, you can use this lead generator for a long time to come.

Placing links directly in your post and then spamming the forums is an approach you certainly want to avoid. You will end up being banned. You should use the are provided in your signature to advertise your site. Despite the fact that many novices to forum marketing make the error of posting their link all over forums because they think they are doing the right thing, it only makes things harder on them. It is possible to get a reasonable amount of traffic to your site from a forum. If you look at it, it’s a way to get the most out of your marketing in many different ways. Forum marketing can change your business for the better.

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Sunday 21 January 2018

Should You Include Google Adsense?

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

When it comes to Google Adsense, most marketers fall into two categories; those who love it and those who hate it. More specifically it means; those who have made money and those that have not figured it out yet.

This is my feeling on the subject. I look at Adsense income as gravy. Am I going to get rich from it? Probably not. Am I going to be able to make a living on Adsense alone? Probably not unless I create a site that gets thousands of visitors per day or have the patience to create a copious amount of blogs in all different niches and work round the clock at keeping them all updated.

I am sure you are wondering “So why bother with it at all?”. Here’s the thing, I have a website and I am going to work at driving traffic to that website. My visitors are going to check out what I have to offer and then they are going to either buy my products or they are going to leave my site. That is the way of business. Those who have not found what they are looking for on my website are going to continue searching. If I give them other options through Adsense, then I will make a few pennies from them as they are on the way out the door.

Because I have set those ads up on my site, which took a total of about 2 minutes, I am monetizing my non-buyers. I never have to do anything ever again and it will continue to pay me so long as I continue to get traffic to my site. Those non-buyers effectively pay my website operating costs and give me a little extra money each month to spend on additional marketing.

Although at one time, when Adsense was new and the internet was a different place, you could make a living from publishing sites for PPC income alone but it is much more difficult now to generate a full-time income with this strategy. It is, however, entirely possible to supplement your income with it and to make your websites self-sufficient.

It won’t happen overnight. Like anything else, it will take time to build your success but the increase in revenue from Adsense is 100% residual, meaning it requires no amount of work from you to generate long-term benefits.

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Saturday 20 January 2018

Google – Do You Love It or Love To Hate It

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

When you sit down to talk to internet marketers about Google, there are usually three different opinions; those who love it, those who hate it and those who just love to hate it. What do I mean by that?

Get into a discussion about Google with a seasoned internet marketing veteran and you will soon discover the definite dividing lines. For those, like me, who love Google and all of the products and services they offer, chances are you will discover that they are making a decent living from everything that is offered to them. From SEO to Adwords and Adsense to the webmaster tools, there are so many useful applications that you can put into practice and become successful online. The trouble is, you have to be able to follow rules, put in the time and energy and really make a business from your efforts. Those who are able to do that generally love Google.

Then you talk to the next fraction and they truly hate it. Most often though, you find out that at one time they were making some pretty decent money using at least a portion of what Google has to offer, but then in the next breath, it was all taken away from them. Yanked out from under their feet with no warning and no means of redemption. Typically, these are people who are constantly trying to outsmart the search engines, bending the rules until finally they snap. At that point Google slaps them hard and takes everything they have worked so hard on away leaving them at a loss to know what went wrong. The funniest thing is, even though they hate it, they still will use some of the products, at least the ones they have not been banned from yet.

Then the last group of people are the ones who sit on the fence somewhere in the middle. They know what opportunities Google is offering them, but they haven’t quite figured out how to put the puzzle together yet. So they love and hate it at the same time. It is these people who are on the brink of either going one way or the other. If I have to give anyone bit of advice it would be to knuckle down, do the work, abide by the rules and eventually it will pay off.

When you start trying to take shortcuts, trying to find ways around the rules and basically, getting lazy, that is when you will get into trouble. I would venture to guess that almost everyone who is trying to make money from the internet, unless you are an absolute newbie, already has the knowledge about how to do it, what they lack is the drive and ambition to actually do the work.

If you are an absolute newbie and you need tips and information, go to someone who is making money from Google to learn from. Don’t have a mentor who cannot follow rules as he will take you down that same path he has walked. The fact is that Google owns about 70% of all search traffic and cutting your business off from that is pure madness.

So for those of you who love to hate Google, it is time to make a decision. Do you or do you not want to succeed? Success only comes with hard work and doing things right the first time. Because with Google, there is no second chance. It is one or the other.

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Friday 19 January 2018

5 Ideas For An Online Business

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

There are a very large number of legitimate internet businesses you can create that have nothing whatsoever to do with being a marketer. Working from home does not mean you have to be an affiliate marketer or sell products; offering services is much more profitable and much more in demand.

There has been a great boom in the online service industry in the past few years so if you are looking for a legitimate way to start a business, with little or no investment, providing business services is a great way to go. You can use your existing skills, or easily learn new skills that are in demand and get paid by companies looking to outsource those services. You are not limited to strictly data entry. Below is a few ideas of in-demand businesses you might consider.

  1. Audio Voice-Overs. Many companies are looking for people with a good speaking voice to record audios for their video and PowerPoint presentations. If you think you could create commercial-like voice-overs. This business may be one you would be interested in. Most computers come with standard voice recording capabilities. All you need is a USB microphone that runs around $30-$40 and some free software such as Audacity and you are in business. Set up a website and begin promoting your business or offer your services on a freelance service such as o-Desk or any of the other freelance sites available.
  2. Translation Service. Because the internet is a global market, many businesses are looking to reach a wider audience with their websites. If you are fluent in more than one language, you can turn that into a business. Offer your translation services for websites, information products and promotional materials to help companies expand their market reach. You do not need any investment, other than a website and some basic promotion to start this type of business.
  3. Video Creation Service. We all know how popular video has become as a marketing strategy, yet many people are not comfortable creating videos or they believe it is more complicated than it really is. With the use of PowerPoint, screen capture software and basic video editing software, you can provide this service. Most of the necessary software is available for free or for a very small investment. If you do not already know how to create videos, there are many free tutorials available for you to learn the skills. This is a very low cost business to start up that is currently in big demand.
  4. Content Creation Services. Whether it be for blog content, newsletters or article marketing, there is a big demand for high quality writing. If you have good research skills, above average writing skills and are able to write on any given topic, then this business will be right up your alley. Many businesses know the importance of maintaining a company blog but they lack either the desire or the time/staff to do it themselves. A blog assistant or ghostwriter will create the content for them, post to their blog or to article directories and they will not have to worry about the task not getting done. The only investment you will need is a website and basic promotion to get this business started.
  5. Virtual Assistants. If you have good knowledge of basic Office software and the internet, you can be a virtual assistant. A VA’s tasks may inlcude research, customer service, data entry, bookkeeping, creating PDFs, maintaining blogs and any number of other tasks. As a VA, you can offer all of these services or specialize in only a few. Businesses are always looking for knowledgeable people to add to their teams or to train to do the tasks they require. All you need is a website and a bit of promotion. You can offer the services through a freelance site but you should also have your own website to give more information to prospective clients.

These are just 5 ideas for starting a legitimate online business and there are many, many more options available to you. Almost any skill or service can be learned online and used to create a marketable, and profitable, business with very little start up investment.

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Thursday 18 January 2018

Keywords and SEO

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Keywords and keyword phrases are the lifeblood of bringing organic traffic to any website. A keyword or keyword phrase is the term given to the words that real people type into the search box when they are looking for products, services or information.

If your website does not have clearly defined keywords, then you will not receive the type of organic traffic you are looking for. Nondescript keywords is most often the reason that websites fail to reach their full potential. Using too many key phrases is another cause.

You see, in order for search engines to understand what your site is about and categorize it properly, it must get a clear message of where you want to be listed. Each and every page of your website needs to be clearly defined with one main goal or keyword phrase.

The more focused you can get each page, the better results you will have with search engines sending the desired traffic to your website. Do not leave that job just to the text content of your web pages. If you do, your visitors will not stay long nor will they come back to read more. Stuffing keywords into every sentence of your copy write is bad for business. Why? Because search engines don’t buy your products; people do. Therefore, your information must appeal to the human reader and not just the search engines.

Write your articles and copy with the end user in mind. You will naturally include relevant keywords into the text when you are writing about the topic. Do not even think about the search engines when you are writing. Just let your words flow naturally.

Once you have finished the copy writing, go back and reread it and look for one or two instances where you can swap out a word for your main keyword. I always like to get the main phrase into the first sentence and final sentence of any copy I am writing. One or two is all you need when you allow the rest of the elements of your page to do some of the heavy work for the page.

Here are some powerful secondary ways to get your keywords into your page in a meaningful way to the search engines without degrading the quality of the content for your readers.

  1. Optimize images. Add an image or two. Make sure the image titles have your keyword in the file names, alternate texts (alt tag) and the image titles and descriptions.
  2. Heading tags. Use heading tags to add titles and subtitles to your content. These communicate directly to search engines to help them categorize your content.
  3. Use META tags and descriptions that lead off with your main keyword phrase.

By using the page elements “under the hood” of your website, you are able to add in powerful SEO factors for the search engines without your readers ever being aware of it. It makes for a better experience for your visitors and the search engines are able to understand what your web page is all about. Use this technique for every page on your website and it will not be long before you start to rank well for your main keywords and keyword phrases and the organic traffic to your website becomes more targeted.

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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Email Marketing for Online Marketers

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Internet marketers are always focusing on email marketing. It was crystal clear to them that a list could then be created that would allow them to make money for a long time to come. Read the following email marketing tips that will boost your income more than ever.

One thing that must be remembered when you send out emails is that you want to get past spam filters. Spam filters are set up by email service providers to filter out “junk mail” and stop it from getting through to customers’ inboxes. Each email that is received goes through the spam filter, which awards points to emails to determine if they are spam. So if an email gets high level of spam points, then it is considered spam and therefore deleted. Spam filters are triggered by certain words, whether in the subject line or body of the email, which include “wealth,” “free” or “making money,” so avoid using these. If something triggers the spam filter, the recipient may never see that email, even if it’s something they asked for. Being consistent in your email marketing efforts is really important. The people on your list should be able to look in their inbox and immediately know they’re hearing from you. The people in your list will slowly begin to associate you with a certain brand and they will always have you in the back of their minds. Over time, your prospects will begin to have trust in you. It just goes on to show that you’re professional in your approach and you care about your subscribers, which will get you a lot more sales and a stronger business.

Each email you send should have a call to action about something, and not necessarily to buy something, either. A call to action is just telling your reader to do something specific whatever that may be. Don’t be shy about it, if you have links in your email, then just tell them – “Click Here Now.” Don’t hesitate in being repetitive with your call to action. You can mention it right in the top of the message and again in the end. If you need to include instructions, then do it because if you don’t it will decrease conversions. You do not ever want to make the assumption that people will figure stuff out on their very own. So always include benefits and then any clear instructions for them to follow. In conclusion, in order to be a successful email marketer, you have to take many factors into consideration. Now you see why it’s necessary to do email marketing correctly. Just keep everything the same and you will make more money.

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Monday 15 January 2018

Organic vs. Paid Traffic

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

When you are just starting to promote your website online you are faced with the task of getting traffic to your website. There are two means to do this; free traffic, also known as organic traffic, or paid for traffic through paid advertising campaigns.

Both of these methods of site promotion are effective, but the comparison is similar to that of comparing long term traffic strategies to short term traffic strategies. I will list the advantages and disadvantages of both for you to fully understand the role that each marketing technique can play in generating visitors to your business website.

Paid Traffic Through Advertising


  • This method of site promotion can give you the fastest results in bringing visitors to your site almost immediately. You can set up your website and have traffic coming to the site instantly as soon as your advertising campaign is live.


  • The traffic only lasts as long as you are paying for the advertising. If you end the sales campaign, your traffic will disappear.
  • When using PPC ads (pay per click), it takes a great deal of trial and error to split test and refine your ad copy and keywords to find out which ones will give you a return on investment and which ones won’t. There will be very little ROI, in fact you will likely see a loss for the first while, until you have perfected your campaign.
  • You must diligently monitor the results daily to avoid receiving a very high advertising bill each month. Failure to keep on top of the numbers has meant a big debt to some new businesses who lacked the knowledge and experience to fully understand how paid advertising works.
  • Whether you are using PPC, banner ads or solo ads, there is a cost involved and you must have that cost included in your monthly spending budget.
  • If your efforts are successful, you may not be able to control your business growth and may find yourself facing supply issues that you were not anticipating. The potential for unhappy customers and customer service issues is much higher.

Free Traffic From Organic SEO


  • Obviously the first advantage that comes to mind is that this strategy is free.
  • Since this method uses your website as it’s main focus, rather than an ad, and all traffic strategies are permanent fixtures on the internet, the results are long term in nature.
  • Because this traffic technique involves search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing and article marketing it is very effective in creating relationships with existing and potential customers, building your brand and achieving authority status within your market.
  • There are SEO experts available to advise you on building your traffic strategy and help you implement it.
  • Your business will be able to grow naturally allowing you to keep up with demand and provide better customer service.


  • Because this is a long term marketing strategy, the results are not immediate but build gradually over time.
  • There is a considerable amount of time needed to be invested to establish your website firmly in the internet as a key player in your market.
  • You will need to either invest your time learn and implement the SEO strategies, outsource the work or hire staff to handle the tasks involved.

As with any marketing plan, online or offline, there is a cost involved with promoting your business. A good traffic generation plan will focus mainly on the long term strategies as they offer your business the most benefits at the end of the day.

In my opinion, the long term strategies should be used for businesses that plan to be around for the long term and the short term ads should be used to promote short term sales and discounts or business announcements similar to how you would use newspaper flyers.

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Facebook Fan Pages and Groups

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

I often get asked whether Facebook Fan Pages or Facebook Groups are the best way to go when it comes to promoting a small business online. In order to answer that question, we need to look at what the main differences are between the two.

Facebook Groups:

These are generally smaller gatherings of friends with a common interest, similar to traditional forums and user-groups. You set these groups up from your personal Facebook account and it is a place for you and your friends to go to discuss and share information about that common interest.

Although it is very easy to set up, there are some very specific limitations to the use.

  1. All Facebook groups are limited to no more than 5,000 members. Therefore, if you plan to grow your customer network beyond that amount, it is not in your business’ best interest to go this route.
  2. A Facebook Group is similar to a club or forum which requires sending invitations to join, approving applications and monitoring posts. There are security restrictions in place which allow you to make the group private or public and have control over who is allowed to be a member.
  3. The groups are searchable on Facebook making them easy for users to find within the site.
  4. Groups are meant to allow you to communicate on a more personal or one-to-one basis. This might be a good way to begin relationship marketing, but on a personal rather than corporate level.
  5. You have the ability to send a message blast to all existing members.
  6. You do not have the option to use applications or customize your group making it of very limited value for strengthening your brand.

Facebook Fan Pages:

  1. There is no limit to the amount of people who may become a fan of your Facebook Page.
  2. You have complete control over the look and feel of your page. You can strengthen your brand with logos and custom applications.
  3. You can update your page and all of your fans will receive a message through the updates feature of their inbox. This allows you to reach a larger number of people than a group that is limited to 5,000.
  4. One key benefit is that Facebook Pages are searchable from outside sources such as search engines. This extends the reach of your page to anyone who is searching for your products or services, provides you with a high PR link to your website and gives you another URL to promote to other social media sites.
  5. You do not need a personal Facebook account that will be connected to the fan page. This helps keep your personal life separate from your professional life.

Facebook Groups are intended to be an extension of your personal account. It is great for connecting with family and friends to share a hobby or special interest or to establish a rapport with a small community of like-minded individuals on a personal level.

Facebook Fan Pages are better for businesses and celebrities who want to connect with customers on a larger scale with more professional interaction between business and client. Product awareness, branding and marketing are done more effectively using this platform.

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Sunday 14 January 2018

Building a Relationship With Your Email Subscribers

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

If you want to become truly successful in your online business, you have to give extra attention to the crucial stage of building a relationship with your subscribers. Some people call this relationship marketing, trust marketing or reverse marketing. It is quite easy to acquire a big list these days but converting those subscribers into buyers is your main goal. If you want to have higher subscriber loyalty and better conversion rates, you can try the following tips and tricks in list building:

  • Conduct quality check for prices and incentives.

Don’t just send prices and incentives for the mere sake of sending something. You have to ensure that the items you will be sending your subscribers are of good quality so that they will receive the value of their time and effort. Never try to be like other online businesses that offer half-truths and give false hopes about what subscribers would get just to get them to sign-up to the list or to buy a product. The best thing that you can do is to test the quality of the products yourself and make certain that it will last long when used by your subscribers. In return, subscribers will remain loyal to you.

  • Provide quality information.

You can also have loyal subscribers if you give them good information that they can use for their own benefit. If you do that, they will find enough reason to trust your judgment and buy from you in the future when you recommend a product.

If you make yourself present when you are needed, you will be able to build a stronger relationship with your subscribers. This is one significant matter that most online business owners tend to overlook. You can actually provide information about yourself so that subscribers would feel confident in contacting you directly. But if you are not at ease giving out your contact information, you can simply make your own profile on Twitter, Facebook or any other social networking sites in order to establish an open communication line with the subscribers of your website.

  • Make your subscribers feel that they are important.

To encourage the loyalty of subscribers, you have to make them feel that they are privileged to be a member of your email list. A good way to achieve this is by giving out exclusive items like mugs, t-shirts, key holders or any other freebies just for subscribers or by just giving exclusive information that is not available anywhere else.

As long as your online business is available for them, these tips are proven to keep your subscribers’ loyalty. By doing things right, you can be assured that you will not only build a long email list but also get quality subscribers in the process.

The post Building a Relationship With Your Email Subscribers appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

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Saturday 13 January 2018

What is Click Fraud?

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Click fraud is the bane of every pay per click advertiser. It is also a criminal offense.

Click fraud happens when someone repeatedly clicks on pay per click advertisements without any actual interest in the ad itself. Mostly this happens when the site owner is trying to make a profit from clicking on their own ads. They may even pay someone else to click on the ads for them or have a written request to anyone to click on the ads on their site.

Because the site owner gets paid anytime someone clicks on those ads, they are not allowed to click on any of the ad links that they will be compensated for. They are not allowed to ask anyone else to click on the ads either. The only time someone should click on an ad from a website is if they are genuinely interested in what that advertiser has to offer. You can be sure the business that receives a huge PPC bill because of click fraud is definitely going to file a complaint.

If someone is found to be fraudulently clicking on paid links, Google will ban them for life from ever using their services again, de-index the website and that is that. There is no making it right with Google. They may also pursue legal action against you as it is against the law.

Google Adwords has a very complex detection system in place that tracks the IP addresses of anyone who clicks on any ad. If a website has an unnatural amount of clicks from the same IP address they consider it to be click fraud. Other Pay Per Click companies have similar systems in place.

There have also been incidences where a marketer my actively try to get their competitors suspended by repeatedly clicking on their ads to make it look like they are committing click fraud. This is very unwise because you may get your competitor suspended, but you will also find your own IP address suspended as well since you are the actual person committing the act. Your competitor may be able to plead their case and be reinstated. You, however, will most likely find yourself banned for life.

The post What is Click Fraud? appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

via Bobs SEO Las Vegas


Friday 12 January 2018

Business Success Requires Taking Action

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

So many businesses today fail to hit their mark online because of fear and a lack of action. If a business owner doesn’t take action, they can’t fail, right? This attitude often leads to throwing away hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in information products, software and services that sit unused or not implemented.

If you spend more time looking for that magic bullet than you do taking aim at your target, you are never going to make the kill. Don’t get me wrong, it is important to educate yourself and become knowledgeable in your field, but it is also equally important to put that knowledge to use.

Get Hands-on Marketing Experience

You will never gain the confidence and experience necessary for success without just jumping in and taking action. Mistakes are the most important learning tools a person can have. You can read all you want on a subject, but unless you find out first hand what works and what does not, you will never move forward.

I would venture to guess that at least 75% of business owners who have bought any information products on business promotion already possess the knowledge they need to have an impact on their success online. The trouble is that most of those products require you to take specific actions. It is the lack of desire to complete the tasks that is preventing success.

For those 75% of business owners, there are only three choices that will make your business successful online:

  1. Continue on as you are now. Spend more money on info products and  software. Take no action and get no results.
  2. Be committed to taking action and creating change and prosperity for your business. Actually implement the knowledge you already have and do the work.
  3. Hire someone to take action for you.

Obviously, #1 is not a desirable option, unless you really do not want to succeed. So now you need to make a decision on whether it makes sense for you to take action yourself or to pay someone with hands-on experience to do it for you.

The post Business Success Requires Taking Action appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

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Thursday 11 January 2018

3 Search Engine Marketing Tips To Get You Ranking Higher

Original author of this article Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

When you write blog posts, your biggest goal is to get high quality traffic to your blog. The best blogs have lots of activity, with people reading the posts and leaving their comments. Search engine optimization is one of the most important ways to get more targeted visitors to your blog. This will help you rank your blog posts for your primary keywords easily and get unique visitors. As you write your blog posts, keep the following SEO tactics in mind.

Be original when you create your blog posts. There are many people blogging, so you want to show everyone what you have to offer. One of the latest concepts in the world of blogging is making videos, or vlogging, and this can be an effective strategy. Videos can be a good way to send people information, so you may want to use these in your blog posts, whether you want to become a vlogger or not.Why is everyone making such a big deal out of video today? Videos are very good for SEO right now, because the search engines tend to see them as high value content. In order to create these screen cast videos, you can use a tool like Camtasia or if not that, even Jing is a good free service to create small videos. You can even use your cell phone by recording your own voice into it. Video distribution services make it simple to send your completed videos to Youtube, Yahoo Video and other video sharing sites.

When you decide upon keywords for your blog posts, try to choose long tail ones. This is because long tail keyword phrases don’t have as many competitors and it is not that difficult to get good rankings with them. Also, this makes your post specific and when a visitor comes to your blog, the information is exactly what they are looking for. This will make people want to stay and would prompt new readers to become loyal followers.You will have varied writing posts because there will be a lot of micro topics o dive into.

Audio is still another way to make your blog posts more noticeable and attention-grabbing. You can easily add an audio clip that is related to the post, or perhaps a podcast you created or have rights to. There’s no one right way to use audio, so start experimenting with it and find out what gets the best response. In conclusion, this article shows how important SEO is for blogs. There are any reasons why you should not concentrate on getting readers through search engines because it is free. There are plenty of blog owners who only rely on the search engine traffic to get exposed, which brings in more referrals immediately. So go ahead, work towards creating blog posts that are highly optimized for your targeted keywords so that you get relevant traffic coming your way.

The post 3 Search Engine Marketing Tips To Get You Ranking Higher appeared first on Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

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